2020-2023 plan summary

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Sheila Morris
Has access

Kimberly Owens
Assistant Principal
Has access

Tina Bailey
1st grade teacher
Has access

Anisha Blackmon
6th grade teacher
Has access

Jodi Bonadurer
DL Teacher (intermediate)
Has access

Charolette Smarte
DL Teacher (upper)
Has access

Makeva Watson
Has access

Cynthia Cannon
PAC member
No Access

Jerbri Crawford
PAC member
No Access

Nicola Fullman
PAC member
No Access

Shelia Williams
LSC member
No Access

Takara Hammond
LSC member
No Access

Terri Zachary
8th Grade Teacher
Has access


Kimberly Owens (Jan 29, 2020)
Overall assessment: 4 (nearly all/all practices evident)

A community representative is not currently a member.

Yes The CIWP team has 8-12 members. Sound rationale is provided if team size is smaller or larger.
Yes The CIWP team includes people who are responsible for implementing, those with institutional memory, and those most impacted.
Yes The CIWP team includes staff reflecting the diversity of student demographics and school programs. The CIWP team should include content leads, program coordinators, staff serving student groups who are historically disadvantaged, etc.
Somewhat The CIWP team includes parents, community members and LSC members.
Yes All CIWP team members are meaningfully involved in the planning process for CIWP components as it relates to the CPS Spectrum of inclusive Partnerships and as appropriate for each stakeholders role. (Resource: CPS Spectrum of Inclusive Partnerships)




Morris, Blackmon, Bonadurer, Dr. Smarte
SEF assessment

Morris, Owens, Bailey, Blackmon, Bonadurer, Dr. Smarte, Watson
SEF and self assessment

Morris, Owens, Bailey, Blackmon, Bonadurer, Dr. Smarte, Watson
Framework priorities

Morris, Owens, Bailey, Blackmon, Bonadurer, Dr. Smarte, Watson, Ms. Cynthia Cannon, Mrs. Crawford
Review of framework priorities and goals

Category scoring

  • 1 NONE or FEW of the practices are CONSISTENTLY evident.
  • 2 FEW of the practices are CONSISTENTLY evident for FEW students and/or staff.
  • 3 MOST of the practices are CONSISTENTLY evident for SOME students and/or staff.
  • 4 Nearly ALL practices are CONSISTENTLY evident for ALL students and/or staff.

Subcategory scoring

  • 1 Practice is not consistently evident for ANY students and/or staff.
  • 2 Practice is CONSISTENTLY evident for FEW students and/or staff.
  • 3 Practice is CONSISTENTLY evident for SOME students and/or staff.
  • 4 Practice is CONSISTENTLY evident for ALL students and/or staff.
  • NA Practice is not applicable.
  • Not scored

Leadership and Structure for Continuous Improvement     Expand all

  • 4 Set the direction and create a sense of purpose by building consensus on and implementing a shared vision
  • 3 Inspire a culture of collective responsibility for ALL students to succeed and for building a safer and more supportive environment throughout the school, not just in their own classrooms (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Empower others to make or influence significant decisions (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 3 Enable staff to focus and prioritize what matters most
  • 3 Employ the skills to effectively manage change
  • 2 Make ‘safe practice’ an integral part of professional learning
  • 3 Collaborate, value transparency, and inform and engage stakeholders


Staff and parents are included in OSA's visions and mission. 1. Assigned a more seasoned teacher 2 . Peer observations of new staff 3. Teacher- led teacher meetings 4. Grade- band team leaders 5. Staff chose most important SEF components and five essentials 6. Staff decides the grade band category of grades and curriculum 7. Teacher newsletters, principal reports, state of the school night. DDI sessions are teacher led and give feedback to improve instruction and student learning. 8. Teachers and staff are monitored before and after school 9. Mentor program 10. All staff address all students
  • 4 Engage in ongoing inquiry (e.g. continuous improvement cycles) as a basis for improvement
  • 3 Build the capacity of teacher teams to lead cycles of learning and problem solving focused on student learning data and student work
  • 4 Design professional learning (PL) to achieve school-wide improvement goals
  • 4 Design and implement school day schedules that are responsive to student needs
  • 4 Align the budget to the CIWP priorities and the mission of the school
  • 4 Strategically hire, assign, and retain teachers to create balanced grade/content teams with a variety of strengths to ensure all students have equitable access to high-quality teachers
  • 4 The local school council (LSC) or another community oversight committee of board is actively and productively involved in supporting SEL initiatives and improvements to school climate (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Physical surroundings convey a positive, student-centered school environment (REQUIRED: OSEL)


DDI sessions (teacher led and admin -led); data carousels, goal setting (teacher/student, teacher/admin.) data wall in every classroom math target posters dibels/trc PQS observations teacher presenters for summits during grade level team meetings and professional developments Ms. Watson (counselor) provides SEL presentations regular instructional planning time new teachers paired up with mentor teachers trauma sensitivity training and SEL during school improvement Ms. Watson conducts group sessions with students (anger management, self coping...) circles of support restorative practice and conversations beginning AIMS in grade-level team meetings receive knowledge through attending summits, true math workshops, and balanced literacy workshops staff is engaged in self-reflection through reach and post-observation conferences hiring team consists of LSC members, content area teachers, and leed teachers pool of potential staff members include teacher assistants, parents, and retired teachers PTO supports school SEL climate: PTO froyo, nacho party day, student appreciation day, Father Daughter dance, Mother Son dance, field day, back to school raly, provide refreshments during annual family nights (STEM night, family reading night, report card pick up) parents come in to read with students (baggy books)

Depth and Breadth of Student Learning and Quality Teaching     Expand all

  • 3 Provide culturally relevant/sustaining curriculum that provides opportunities to explore and celebrate student's communities, culture, history, and language
  • 3 Utilize the ‘big ideas’ that should be taught to determine whether students are being taught the body of knowledge, the understandings, and the skills expected
  • 2 Curriculum connects to real world, authentic application of learning
  • 4 Curriculum is aligned to expectations of the standards
  • 4 Integrate the teaching of academics and the ISBE Social Emotional Learning Standards (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Expand access to diverse, contemporary well-stocked text collections that provide opportunities for all students to engage with text from a wide range of genres, including text of appropriate grade level complexity


Teachers are differentiating instruction based on student needs. Science classes are implementing project based learning to connect to real life. Grade band has common planning meeting to review data weekly. Lesson plans include standards and are aligned. Teachers create scope and sequence 4-5 weeks with standards. School wide social/emotional (PATHS announcement daily and implementation in some primary grades. School wide social/emotional behavior of Wings and feathers are given to students to encourage positive social/emotional behaviors. All classrooms have classroom libraries with different leveled books and topics that students can choose from. Primary utilize Kids A-Z e-books.
  • 4 Create a culture that reflects high expectations for all students and enables practice and perseverance for each individual student (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Engage students in learning and foster student ownership
  • 2 Use questioning and discussion as techniques to deepen student understanding
  • 3 Plan and assign tasks that are cognitively challenging for individual students and require students to provide evidence of their reasoning
  • 3 Provide students frequent, informative feedback
  • 3 Persist in adjusting instruction so individual student misunderstandings or advanced needs are successfully accommodated
  • 2 Engage all learners in content areas by differentiating and fully integrating opportunities for all learners
  • 4 Tasks convey the key shifts and practices of the discipline. (See departmental guidance for Arts Education, Health and Physical Education, Literacy, Math, Science, Social Science & Civic Engagement)


Each quarter students who have perfect attendance, honor roll, or excellent behavior are rewarded with a yogurt social. Regularly monitor students' academic progress, incorporate multi-modal learning activities that support equitable access to content, and use progress monitoring data to trace effectiveness of interventions so all students can actively participate Attendance percentages are announced daily. Goal setting conferences with each student are done each benchmark. Scaffold instruction is done in each lesson plan, so by the end of the week students are taking ownership of their learning. Use techniques such as DOK levels of questions that enable students to formulate their own questions, engage each other in authentic discussions about content, and respectfully challenge one another using viable arguments based on evidence. Encourage student responsibility for ensuring all voices are heard in the discourse and that all students are listening and responding to questions and answers from their teacher and peers. Require students to cite textual evidence to support/develop a claim DOK level questions are evident in some lesson plans and in some classrooms.
  • 4 School-based teams discuss and monitor the effect of teaching on student learning, integrate formative assessment into instruction and intervention of individual students
  • 4 Use multiple measures (i.e. a range of assessment types and at multiple points in time) to supplement district-centralized assessments with other formative assessments to provide a more comprehensive picture of student learning
  • 3 ILT, GLT, and interventionists use a Problem Solving Process approach to screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring assessments to identify specific gaps and monitoring improvement for students within all tiers
  • 3 Make assessments accessible to students, including diverse learners and English Learners through employing features of universal design and use of accommodations and, where needed, modifications
  • 4 Utilize assessments that reflect the key shifts in content areas in teacher created or selected assessments
  • 2 Utilize assessments that measure the development of academic language for English learners
  • 4 Have access to and analyze school-wide, teacher team, and classroom assessment data to determine instructional effectiveness, in house criteria, and subsequent learning needs
  • 3 Improve and promote assessment literacy
  • 4 Have a grading system that clearly, accurately, consistently, and fairly communicates learning progress and achievement to students, families, postsecondary institutions, and prospective employers


Monitor progress and check for understanding for individual students. Measure, report, and document student progress and proficiency. Asessments that reflect the key shifts in content areas in teacher created or selected assessments. These assessments are NWEA, DIBELS, formative assessment, and summative assessment.
  • 3 ON TRACK - Provide universal supports to prevent failing and absenteeism and targeted interventions for grades below “C” or chronic absenteeism (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 2 MTSS Team completes SEF ratings for MTSS subcategories (denoted as "REQUIRED MTSS") at MOY and EOY to reflect on MTSS fidelity of implementation (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 2 MTSS Team uses MTSS Framework Implementation Guide or other resources from Central Office to align priorities to outcomes (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 2 Administration supports MTSS Team with resources needed to make changes to framework/system (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 2 School tracks growth of ALL students, specifically students receiving Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports based on district-wide available data to accurately assess student achievement results and school practices (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 2 Shared Leadership: Administration recruits a diverse MTSS core team (content areas, counselors, etc.),or identifies an existing team that is responsible for driving the school’s MTSS Framework and Implementation (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 2 Shared Leadership: MTSS Team uses multiple data sources to determine local Tiering Criteria For Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 interventions (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 2 Shared Leadership: MTSS Team develops a Menu of Interventions that clearly outlines the supports, resources, system and structures for Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 2 Shared Leadership: School Teams communicate MTSS related outcomes to all stakeholders (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 2 Problem Solving Process: MTSS Team, teachers, and intervention providers use the Problem Solving Process (PSP) to identify root causes and contributing factors of deficit areas (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 3 Problem Solving Process: MTSS Team gathers and utilizes multiple data sources to define the problems and take action for Tiers 1, 2, and 3 (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 3 Curriculum and Instruction: Instructional staff provides culturally relevant, high-quality, standards-aligned curriculum in which SEL instruction is embedded into core content (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 3 Curriculum and Instruction: Instructional staff provides differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 3 Curriculum and Instruction: Instructional staff provides interventions that are research-based (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 4 Curriculum and Instruction: School Teams analyze data to prioritize opportunities to improve instruction, guide grouping, re-teaching and to identify/prioritize instructional needs (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 3 Progress Monitoring (PM): School identifies and uses a research-based diagnostic tool and process to determine root-cause and area of need for Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 3 Progress Monitoring (PM): School Teams progress monitor and analyze student response to intervention throughout the intervention cycle to determine and implement needed adjustments (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 2 Progress Monitoring (PM): MTSS Team clearly defines the method, duration, frequency, and measures for progress monitoring (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 4 Family & Community Engagement: School establishes regular communication with families to build their understanding of MTSS, purpose of interventions and tiered support systems, and how it will support their child (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 4 Family & Community Engagement: School teams develop a process of communication for formally notifying parents/families when their child is selected to receive Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 3 Family & Community Engagement: Administration and school teams establish and continually evaluate community partnerships to support MTSS implementation (i.e. providing Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports) (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 3 Family & Community Engagement: School teams ensure that feedback/input from families is taken into consideration during the PSP and intervention planning (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 3 Family & Community Engagement: School engages families in supporting with progress monitoring of their students (REQUIRED: MTSS & OSEL)
  • 3 Fidelity of Implementation: School teams utilize the SAM at BOY, MOY and EOY to reflect on MTSS fidelity of Implementation (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 3 Fidelity of Implementation: School teams use MTSS Framework Implementation Guide and/or other resources from Central Office to align priorities to outcomes (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 3 Fidelity of Implementation: School teams leverage other self-reflecting processes such as the SEF or the CIWP to evaluate and improve MTSS framework and implementation (REQUIRED: MTSS)
  • 4 Fidelity of Implementation: Administration supports the fidelity of MTSS practices, principles, and resources needed to make suitable changes to systems and structures (REQUIRED: MTSS)


Provide universal supports to prevent failing and absenteeism and targeted interventions for grades below “C” or chronic absenteeism, this is done by yogurt socials, daily attendance updates at the end of the day, student of the month. School Teams progress monitor and analyze student response to intervention throughout the intervention cycle to determine and implement needed adjustments. Teachers use teacher created assessments weekly and at the end of each quarter. School engages families in supporting with progress monitoring of their students, this is done via home connect letters which are sent home during each benchmark period for reading assesments, as well as conferencing with individual students. This information is sent home to parents. Administration supports the fidelity of MTSS practices, principles, and resources needed to make suitable changes to systems and structures by having DDI (Data Driven Instruction) sessions.
  • 3 TRANSITIONS - Have structures and processes in place to ensure successful transitions (e.g. into school, grade to grade, school to school, school to post-secondary)
  • 3 AWARENESS - Expose students early to academic/professional worlds beyond K-12
  • 4 READINESS – Ensure equitable access to college preparatory curriculum
  • 3 SUCCESS - Provide direct assistance to all students and families through every stage of the college selection, application, and entry process (Transition to College (HS)) including, but not limited to academic planning/advising to assist with


Owen provides some students with algebra instruction Monday through Friday for one hour after school, as well as all students algebra instruction during the school day which is built into daily 8th grade curriculum. Owen participates each year in a career fair. In our STEM classes, students are exposed to various science and engineering careers and colleges that offer them. Foundational skills are taught in grades K through 8th through out balanced literacy program that covers writing, guided reading, and vocabulary workshop. The school counselor covers and enters all information in Naviance with the students. Each teacher has 1:1 conferences with students regarding their NWEA scores and goals to improve. Attendance announcements are made daily to encourage attendance. The attendance trophy is passed to the room with the best attendance for the month. A celebration is given each quarter to the students with perfect attendance.

Quality and Character of School Life     Expand all

  • 2 Foster respectful and supportive student-student interactions, with strong norms for responsible behavior, to encourage a sense of belonging to the school and the classroom community (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 2 Foster supportive, caring and respectful staff-student interactions, so that each student has at least one trusted adult in the school (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 3 Adults support and respect one another, personally and professionally (Teacher-Teacher Trust, Teacher-Principal Trust) (REQUIRED: OSEL)


Cheer leading, basketball, male and female mentoring, principal advisory team, behavior feathers, Providing Alternative Thinking Strategies,PATHS , school social activities sponsored by 8th grade,field trips Beta club, principal ice cream social for excellent attendance, teacher-to student mentoring, related service collaboration with the school nurse, social worker, psychologist, speech and occupational therapists, School Christmas party. School breakfasts and luncheon, grandparent breakfast. Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) peer-to-peer classroom observations. PPLC committee. Teacher-led grade level meetings.
  • 2 Study politics
  • 2 Become informed voters and participants in the electoral process
  • 2 Engage in discussions about current and controversial issues
  • 2 Explore their identities and beliefs (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 2 Exercise student voice (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 3 Authentically interact with community and civic leaders
  • 2 Engage with their community
  • 2 Take informed action where they work together to propose and advocate for solutions
  • 2 Experience a schoolwide civics culture


The school sponsors Career Day when leaders from the community engage in informational/civic career activities with students. The BETA club is a community service group that participates in community service activities throughout the school year. The school sponsors a school high school fair for upper grade students to visit with prospective high schools.
  • 3 Ensure students and adults feel physically, socially, intellectually, and emotionally safe throughout the school (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Provide clear procedures for reporting and responding to concerns about safety and well-being (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 2 Manage efficient and orderly transitions between activities (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 1 A representative team (e.g. admins, teachers, staff, families, & students) dedicated to school climate development meets regularly to make decisions that promote SEL and create supportive, restorative, and trauma sensitive environments (REQUIRED: OSEL)


Best of the best daily pledge. Schoolwide rules,behavior, arrival, transition, dismissal. Anti-bullying assembly/Discipline Assembly. Heart Program. Schoolwide discipline refferal form. Restorative practices (Circle of support, SEL activities, counseling services). PAC led relational trust workshops. Teacher and staff led supervision for students.
  • 2 INSTRUCTIVE - Integrate universal SEL skills instruction in disciplinary responses (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 2 RESTORATIVE - Employ a discipline system that guides students to take ownership, resolve conflict, and learn from their actions (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 2 SUPPORTIVE - Employ a discipline system that assesses the root causes of student behaviors and utilizes a trauma-informed, multi-tiered approach to supportive social and emotional intervention (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 3 EQUITABLE - Employ a discipline system that ensures equity across groups of students, school-wide and district-wide (REQUIRED: OSEL)


PATHS daily lesson, School- wide rules, PATHS student of the week. Staff Compliment Board. HEART program. Restorative conversations after disciplinary actions. Circles of Support for Tier 3 students involving parents, student, staff other family and community partners. SEL training for staff conducted by counselor. Student of the Month. SEL .lesson by grade levels. Individual and small group counseling, anger management, self management skills. Incident and discipline reports completed for record and informing parents. Discipline assemblies to promote school wide rules and expectations, student handbooks. Discipline is not only punitive but restorative and preventative measures are in place. Students have conduct folders that go home weekly to inform parents of student behavior on a consistent basis. Suspension are given as a last result. Students are given several preventative strategies to avoid suspensions.
  • 4 Establish a welcoming environment for families and community members that is warm, inviting, and helpful (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Provide frequent, high quality, well publicized opportunities for families and community to participate in authentic and engaging activities in the school community (e.g. student performances/ exhibitions, literacy, or math events).
  • 3 Provide multiple opportunities for parents to ask questions, raise concerns, and give feedback
  • 3 Teachers and families see each other as partners in educating children, and all families are directly invited to formally contribute and participate in decision-making about their children and about the school (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Communicate with families proactively and frequently about class and individual activities and individual student’s progress (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Conduct intensive outreach to families in need of specialized support through home visits and collaboration with social service agencies (REQUIRED: OSEL)
  • 4 Partner equitably with parents speaking languages other than English
  • 2 Partner with one or more organizations that share the values of the school and have a complementary mission to the school’s vision (REQUIRED: OSEL)


Welcome Back Rally on the first Day, OSA website, Open House, STEM Night, Reading Night, Welcome Bulletin Boards, Happy Cafe, Grandparents Day, Kindergarten Orientation, Father Daughter Dance, Mother Son Dance, Male and Female Mentoring. All- Calls, Open door policy for parents and students, Letters sent home for special events, Baggie Books, PAC Meetings, PTO, 5 Essentials Survey, Parent Patrol that assist students during entry and dismissal. Parents are encouraged to utilize Parent Portal with training available as needed. Parents are made aware of attendance policies,etc. Teachers communicate, via phone, class dojo, email, website, conferences, teacher newsletters. Home visits are made to students with chronic absences. Students needing Tier 3 supports are referred to social services agencies. Interpreters are used for person to person meetings. Communication, report cards and progress reports are sent home in students' native languages. We make referrals to community agencies but there is not an agency that we specifically partner with. Field Day and Student Appreciation Day held with support of families.


Kimberly Owens (Feb 5, 2020)
Overall assessment: 3 (most practices evident)

Yes Ratings are provided for all SEF categories and sub-categories.
Yes Ratings can be supported by available evidence.
Not yet Students are consulted for determining SEF ratings.


Framework dimension and category

Area of focus = Not of focus

Quality and Character of School Life: Physical and Emotional Safety
Quality and Character of School Life: Relational Trust
Quality and Character of School Life: Student Voice, Engagement, and Civic Life
Quality and Character of School Life: Supportive and Equitable Approaches to Discipline
Depth and Breadth of Student Learning and Quality Teaching: Balanced Assessment and Grading
Depth and Breadth of Student Learning and Quality Teaching: Curriculum
Depth and Breadth of Student Learning and Quality Teaching: Instruction
Depth and Breadth of Student Learning and Quality Teaching: MTSS
Depth and Breadth of Student Learning and Quality Teaching: Transitions, College & Career Access, & Persistence
Leadership and Structure for Continuous Improvement: Leadership for Continuous Improvement
Quality and Character of School Life: Family & Community Engagement
Leadership and Structure for Continuous Improvement: Structure for Continuous Improvement


Kimberly Owens (Feb 20, 2020)
Overall assessment: 2 (some practices evident)

The choice of 2 was chosen because some components are present for all priorities chosen.

Yes Root causes are used to identify 3 to 5 SEF categories are selected as priority areas.
Yes Selected priority areas reflect capacity of the staff to achieve progress in each area within two years.

Areas of critical need and root cause analysis

Vision metrics

Metrics (select 3–5) Student groups (1–2 for each metric) SY19 data actual (provided by CPS) 2020–2021 goal 2021–2022 goal

Vision: NWEA Growth G3-8 (Reading)

Academic growth to be demonstrated for Gr. 3-8 students in Reading

Students with IEPs

SQRP: National School Growth Percentile - Reading (Grades 3-8)

Academic growth for Gr. 3-8 students for reading

African American
Students with IEPs

Vision: NWEA Growth G3-8 (Math)

Academic growth to be demonstrated for Gr. 3-8 students in Math

Students with IEPs

SQRP: National School Growth Percentile - Math (Grades 3-8)

Academic growth for Gr. 3-8 students for Math

African American
Students with IEPs

Vision: NWEA Attainment G2 (Reading)

Reading is an emphasized as the foundational aspect for all content areas of learning. Increased reading attainment will positively impact other areas.

African American


2018-2019 Actual
2020-2021 Actual
2020-2021 SQRP Goal
2021-2022 SQRP Goal
My Voice, My School 5 Essentials Survey

Custom metrics 0% complete

2018-2019 Actual
2020-2021 Actual
2020-2021 SQRP Goal
2021-2022 SQRP Goal

MTSS, MTSS: Curriculum & Instruction

Area(s) of focus:

Action step




Choose a team of no more than 6 staff including administration that represents grade level bands, diverse learners, and social-emotional needs and 1 parent from the LSC or PAC team.
Administration and Staff
Jun 10, 2020 to
Jun 10, 2020
Not started

MTSS, MTSS: Curriculum & Instruction, MTSS: Family and Community Engagement, MTSS: Fidelity of Implementation, MTSS: Problem Solving Process, MTSS: Progress Monitoring, MTSS: Shared Leadership

Provide professional development for teachers in the ASPEN/MTSS tracking tool that includes progress monitoring and intervention cycles.
SEL specialist, Administration
Jun 10, 2020 to
Oct 7, 2020
Not started

MTSS, MTSS: Curriculum & Instruction, MTSS: Family and Community Engagement, MTSS: Fidelity of Implementation, MTSS: Progress Monitoring

Provide professional development to the MTSS team which would include differentiation, analyzing data, and the problem-solving process.
Administration, Network Support, and District Professional Development.
Jun 19, 2020 to
Sep 4, 2020
Not started

MTSS, MTSS: Curriculum & Instruction, MTSS: Family and Community Engagement, MTSS: Problem Solving Process, MTSS: Shared Leadership

Schedule a whole school or grade band common period for providing MTSS services.
Jul 6, 2020 to
Aug 6, 2020
Not started

MTSS, MTSS: Fidelity of Implementation

MTSS progress monitoring will occur biweekly for tier 3 students, and every three weeks for tier 2 students. During the progress monitoring the administrative and MTSS team members will be assigned teachers ( in grade band) to observe appropriate interventions, progress, and whether the interventions and strategies are successful. A protocol will be agreed upon for interventions, strategies, and additional support for students.
Jul 27, 2020 to
Jul 9, 2021
Not started

MTSS, MTSS: Curriculum & Instruction, MTSS: Family and Community Engagement, MTSS: Fidelity of Implementation, MTSS: Problem Solving Process, MTSS: Progress Monitoring, MTSS: Shared Leadership

Student Voice, Engagement, and Civic Life, Supportive and Equitable Approaches to Discipline, CBE: SEL Integration, FACE2: Community Partnerships, ODLSS: Behavior Support, ODLSS: Related Service Providers

Area(s) of focus:

Action step




Develop a discipline team that will modify the current system to include approaches and strategies that are restorative and proactive for all students with an emphasis on tier 2 and tier 3 social-emotional learners.
Discipline Team
Jun 23, 2020 to
Jul 10, 2020
Not started

CBE: SEL Integration, Equity: Fair Policie sand Systems, Equity: Targeted Universalism, MTSS: Problem Solving Process, ODLSS: Behavior Support, ODLSS: Procedures and Standards, ODLSS: Related Service Providers, OSCPA: Social/Emotional Support

The discipline team will develop a system and process for monitoring trends and patterns of behavior among grade bands (PK-2), (3-5), (6-8) in Aspen. This will assist the team as they problem-solve and identify root causes.
Discipline Team
Jun 23, 2020 to
Jun 18, 2021
Not started

MTSS, CBE: SEL Integration, MTSS: Problem Solving Process, MTSS: Progress Monitoring, ODLSS: Behavior Support, ODLSS: Related Service Providers

Develop a system using surveys and teacher collaboration during grade-level meetings that will provide all staff with an equitable contribution and voice in the new discipline system.
Discipline Team
Jun 1, 2020 to
Jun 8, 2020
Not started

Equity: Fair Policie sand Systems, MTSS: Shared Leadership, OSEL: Supportive and Equitable Discipline Practices

The discipline team will monitor misconduct reports every five weeks to note trends and progress.
Some members of the SEL team (Counselor, Social Worker, and Psychologist) S will provide supports to tier 2 and tier 3 students weekly
Discipline/SEL team will track progress interventions and notes in Aspen biweekly (Data will be collected to see how interventions may have to be adjusted)
The team will collaborate with teachers and other staff to adjust interventions if needed.
Students will be recognized for positive improvement in behavior and choices monthly.
Discipline Team
SEL Team
Sep 8, 2020 to
Jun 11, 2021
Not started

Supportive and Equitable Approaches to Discipline, OSEL: SEL Instruction, OSEL: Supportive and Equitable Discipline Practices, OSEL: Supportive Classroom Environment, OSEL: Supportive School Environment, OSEL: Tier 2 and 3 Interventions

Assessment: Accessing and Analyzing Assessment Data for Instructional Effectiveness, Assessment: Balanced Assessment and Grading, Assessment: Checkpoint Student Assessment System, Assessment: Improving Assessment Literacy, Assessment: Monitoring Student Learning to Support Growth, Assessment: PreK-3 Assessment, CBE: Extended Learning, CIDL: Digital Learning

Area(s) of focus:

Action step




Partner with neighboring schools that are effectively implementing differentiated instruction and arrange for peer observations for teachers at each grade level.
Administration and Teaching Staff
Sep 21, 2020 to
Sep 28, 2020
Not started

Assessment: PreK-3 Assessment, CBE: Acceleration, CBE: Adaptive Pacing, CIDL: Curriculum, Literacy: Key Practice #1-Abundant Reading of Diverse Texts, Literacy: Shift 2-Leveraging Data to Close Gaps, MGIB: Gifted Programs, Math: Rigorous Tasks

Schedule peer observations with feedback from cooperative teachers of the neighboring schools that we have obtained a partnership.
Administration, Teachers and Partnering Schools
Oct 5, 2020 to
Oct 19, 2020
Not started

Assessment: Improving Assessment Literacy, CBE: Adaptive Pacing, CIDL: Curriculum, CIDL: Digital Learning, Equity: Inclusive Partnerships, FACE2: Community Partnerships, Math: Rigorous Tasks

Provide DDI sessions for all teaching staff to examine student work, assessments, differentiated instruction, and student discourse.
Administration, Teachers,
Sep 28, 2020 to
Jun 7, 2021
Not started

Curriculum, Instruction, Equity: Resource Equity, Literacy: Shift 2-Leveraging Data to Close Gaps, ODLSS: Early Childhood, OSEL: Tier 2 and 3 Interventions, Math: Rigorous Tasks

PQS(Praises, Questions, and Suggestions will occur weekly to examine teachers' practices that will address rigorous task, assessments, DI, and collaborative discussions
Grade Level meetings and extended day sessions will include data discussions, examining student work, and critiquing self video of the teacher providing instruction and support to their students.
ILT Team
Sep 8, 2020 to
Jun 11, 2021
Not started

Instruction, Assessment: Accessing and Analyzing Assessment Data for Instructional Effectiveness, Literacy: Shift 1-Increase access to effective and rigorous literacy intruction, ODLSS: Instructional Quality, Personalized Learning: Tailored Learning/Differentiation, Science: Rigorous Tasks, Science: Student Discourse, STE(A)M Schools: Instructional Approach (SSS4), Math: Rigorous Tasks, Math: Student Discourse

Provide ELL students with a bilingual TA/SECA that will serve as the liaison between ELL students' non-English speaking parents and assist ELL students with assignments and instruction.
Bilingual TA/SECA
Sep 8, 2020 to
Jun 18, 2021
Not started

Instruction, Assessment: Curriculum Equity Initiative, ODLSS: Related Service Providers, OLCE

ESSA Program

The school must annually review the schoolwide plan/program. The schoolwide program plan is available to CPS, parents, and the public, and the information in the plan is in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable in a language the parents can understand. Please list evidence for the ESSA Schoolwide Program requirements outlined below.

ESSA Schoolwide Program

TS-Gold; DIBELS / TRC; NWEA Rdg Gr. 3-8; NWEA Math Gr. K-8; REACH performance tasks, DLM-AA, & Illinois Science Assessment Gr. 5 & 8 (testing of NGSS [Science Standards])
After school tutoring (Rdg, Math)- Intervention for Gr. 3, 6, & 8; Algebra (Gr. 8 academic enrichment); Saturday school (Rdg & Math)- Academic enhancement for Gr. K-2, 3, 6 & 8.
Required instructional math minutes for Gr. K-8 = 450 min/week. Increased instructional minutes for math based on NWEA EOY scores for SY18.19: Gr. 5 & 6 increased by 90 min (540 min/wk). Additional math time included addressing problem-solving skills and application. Instructional minutes for Reading continues at 600 min/wk for Gr. K-4 and 450 min/wk for Gr. 5-8 but weekly instructional time for Social Studies of 150 min/week includes analysis of informational text for Gr. K-8.
Male Mentoring Gr. 3-8; Female Mentoring Gr. 5-8; Counseling and Character building sessions provided by school counselor; Circle of Support sessions for Tier 3 SEL students, High school Fairs for Gr. 7 & 8 grade students
Available positions posted on Taleo; informational flyers with job descriptions sent to colleges and universities located in Chicago and suburbs; professional networkingDistru
District-sponsored Summit Cycle professional development for Reading, Math, Humanities and Science, Balanced Literacy Professional Development
PreK & Kindergarten Play Days, Back to School Night, Family Reading Night, Grandparents' Breakfast, Six Flags Read to Succeed, Holiday Assembly, Happy Cafe, Annual Heritage Assembly, S.T.E.M. (Math & Science ) Day Fest; S.T.E.M. Night, Talent Show, Literacy Cruise
Chicago Early Learning Pre-K program; On-going vertical planning and collaboration with pre-K and Kindergarten teacher
Weekly Grade-level team meetings; Monthly teacher-directed collaboration meetings; Bi-monthly ILT meetings
After School Tutoring; Data-informed instruction provided via small group instruction inclusive of differentiated activities that are digital or non-digital
Chicago Early Learning PreK Program - Full-day headstart program for 4year olds; NED Show- Annual assembly provided to promote academic achievement through character development; Professional development regarding academic support provided to parents facilitated by PAC members as well as teachers and admin; Counselor and social worker provide counseling services and support to parents regarding high school transitions as well as external counseling services.

ESSA Targeted Assistance Program

Parent Involvement and Schoolwide Programs

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 continues a legislative commitment to parental involvement. Central features of prior reauthorizations, such as school-parent compacts, parent involvement policies, and the parent involvement funding formula remain unaltered. However, the ESSA reauthorization represents a notable shift in the role of parent and family engagement in the schools. It includes new provisions increasing parental notification requirements, parental selection of educational options, and parental engagement in governance. It envisions parents as informed and empowered decision makers in their children's education.

During PAC meetings discussion of methods
Yes, the meeting will occur in October 2021 during the PAC meeting.
Monthly meeting every 2nd Monday
Star 360 diagnostic reports will be sent 3x's per year (BOY, MOY, & EOY)
Communications sent directly to parents for teachers not HQ
State of the School Address; Data Informational meeting for Parents; Ongoing Parent-Teacher conferences; Goal Setting Meeting for students
Family Reading Night, STEM night ; Ongoing Parent-Teacher conferences; Goal Setting Meeting for students
Professional Development sessions, New Teacher Orientations, Teacher Goal setting meetings, Weekly Grade Level Team meetings, and Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) meetings
Chicago Early Learning PreK program; Vertical articulation planning and team collaboration with teachers of PreK- Gr. 2 during weekly grade-level team meetings. Meetings will also include primary DL teachers.
Owen website to include a calendar of weekly and monthly events; Robo calls, and blast emails

Policy Implementation Activities

Our mission is to empower our students by providing rigorous, data-driven instruction that develops each child's academic and social-emotional skills. Our school will engage students, teachers, parents, and community members by building collaborative relationships in a respectful, positive, and safe learning environment to ensure each child reaches their maximum potential.
1. (August 27, 2021 )Teachers facilitated a Back to School virtual meeting which involved an overview of expectations and programs for the new school year. There was information provided to all parents which included an overview of the curriculum and requirements for the year.
2. (October 21, 2021) A Virtual Family Reading Night-Parents, students, and staff enjoyed a vitual presentation of events that included students and staff. They also enjoyed break out sessions with their child's teachers to engage in fun-filled and hands-on activities that were aligned to common core standards.
3. (November 17, 2021) Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held to discuss the students' progress. (parents will have the option to attend in-person or virtually)
4. ( September 23, 2021) STEM Night-Parents, Teachers, Students engaged in a variety of fun-filled, hands-on rigorous tasks, and experiments.
5. (January) Goal Setting Meetings to discuss specific goals for students and what process will be used to commit parents, students, and teachers to reach the goals of each individual student.
6. (March) Progress Monitoring Meetings with Parents to discuss the progress of students
7. (April) Parent/Teacher meetings to discuss the quarter grades (Report Card Pick-Up)
Parents will receive progress reports every five weeks and after each Star 360 Assessment grades 3-8/TRC/DIBEL testing period (grades K-2)(September, January, May). Twice a year for PreK students using TS Gold Assessments and quarterly observations. Parents will also receive virtual conduct/Infraction folders weekly to describe behavior. Parents have access to parent portal to monitor will also receive graded assignments and or missing assignments,
Teachers and Staff have office hours during their Prep period, Parents also have access to teachers and staff through email and phone. Teachers and staff have a 24-48 hour turn-around time with responding to parents' emails and 24 hours turn around with returning parents' calls.
Parents are invited to participate and observe literacy, math, and science skills during Family Reading Night, STEM Night, and Math night. We also have various opportunities to volunteer during these nights as well as for our annual book fairs, Reading Extravaganza, STEM night, Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day, Field Day, and Student Appreciation Day. This year we will add a Walk in the Life of my Child. This will afford parents the opportunity to follow their child's schedule and engage in their daily routines and assignments. Please make sure you complete an application for volunteering on the website cpsvolunteer.org
All parents have access to Aspen. They will also receive a tutorial on how to navigate through gradebook to check for missing assignments, grades, and upcoming assignments. They will also review how work is graded and the various categories. We will have a session available during parent teacher conferences. Parents can also call the office or contact their child's teacher to receivie assistance.
Parents are invited to PAC, PTO, and LSC meetings. There is a time during the meeting (open forum) to ask questions and to give suggestions as it relate to our curriculum and the overall culture and climate of the school. Surveys are also sent out to gauge parents' opinions about each program and the activities we offer.
Students are recognized quarterly for their academic achievement during an Ice Cream Social with the Principal and Assistant Principal. (Students on Honor Roll, or who have Perfect Attendance and or who has No Infractions. Classes with perfect attendance are recognized daily as well as students with the most minutes read for the month are recognized with an out-of-uniform day. Two students in each classroom are recognized as the students of the month.
The PAC team will provide professional development for parents to align with the priorities of our academic and social needs of our students. Each PAC meeting beginning in October will consist of an informational session that will discuss how parents can assist their children as it relates to Rigorous Task, Collaborative Conversations, MTSS interventions, Discipline, and Social-Emotional Needs,

Allocate your Mandated Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Funds to support your Parent and Family Engagement Program.


51130, 52130
Teacher Presenter/ESP Extended Day
For Teacher presenter, ESP Extended Day, please remember to put money on the benefits line. Non-Instructional pay rate applies.

In addition to supplies for parent program, please use this account to also purchase books for parents only. Use this account for equipment with a per unit cost of less than $500.

Allocation CAN NOT EXCEED 25% of the Parent Budget. Refreshments must be used for Title 1 PAC meetings, trainings and workshops.

For Parent Training Only. Consultant must have a CPS vendor number and paid with a Purchase Order after service is rendered (NO CHECKS ARE ALLOWED). Services may not be rendered until a PO has been generated.

Admission and Registration Fees, Subscriptions and memberships
For Parents use only.


Buses for Parents use. Overnight Conference travel- schools must follow the CPS Travel Policy. The CPS Parent Overnight Travel Approval Form and Conference Travel Form must be completed.



Allocation CAN NOT EXCEED 25% OF THE Parent Budget. All Parent Reimbursements related to Title 1 parent and family engagement must be paid from this account. Receipts must be clear, original, unaltered and itemized. School must keep all receipts.



Must be used for parent and family engagement programs only.


Must be educational and for parent use only.

Furniture and Equipment
Must have a parent room or a secure place to keep furniture/equipment. Cannot be placed in the main office or where staff and students have access too. To be used only by parents.

Budget crosswalk

Theory of action

If we do...Develop a Tiering Criteria that follows the 80/15/5 model in the MTSS Framework and develop a Menu of interventions aligned to the needs of students in their respective tiers.

then we see...Teachers identifying student needs and aligning appropriate tiers of high-quality interventions.

which leads to...Fully implemented standardized systems and structures that support students which in turn leads to an increase in overall Growth in Reading and Math assessment data.

Resources Needed

(Notes from CIWP development phase to inform budget, talent, and schedules)

Funding sources from 115 and 332 will be used to cover the cost of substitute coverage during professional development and Extended Day Buckets which would allow the MTSS team time to monitor the MTSS tracker in Aspen. Funds will also cover the purchasing of additional programs, supplies, materials (both instructional and software). These resources will assist teachers during their small group tiered instruction.

Funding source

Select all funding sources you plan to use to support the strategy (select "no cost" if the strategy has no budget impact).

Budget category(ies)

Select all the budget categories you plan to fund to support the strategy (Schools should limit the budget categories selected to ONLY those directly impacting the strategy)

Achieving the strategy

Add additional context explaining how spending in this category supports your associated CIWP goals targeted by each theory of action.

Providing the same amount of resourcces to students and schools with different lived experiences, assets, and challenges will maintain the status quo of unequal achievement. Please reference the draft CPS Equity Framework as you connect your strategies with the opportunity gaps at your school. How does the spend in the above categories help achieve the strategy outcome and what specific opportunity gap that will be addressed?

Example: Adding an additional math teacher will support the implementation of smaller classes in 3rd-5th grades.

We will still provide targeted instructional support for MTSS interventions in Reading and Math for all students. The purpose of an additional MTSS teacher/provider in both reading and math will provide students the opportunity to receive consistent MTSS interventions for all levels of students (tier 2, tier 3, as well as enrichment interventions for at and above level students. We will continue to use our retired Reading and Math Specialist for MTSS intervention.

Theory of action

If we do...If we provide ongoing professional development for all staff and teachers with additional support and PD for novice teachers that emphasizes approaches to equitable discipline and restorative measures that address the needs of diverse learner students and tiers 2 and 3 social-emotional students

then we see...then we would see a decrease in misconduct reports that primarily include diverse learner students and those who have social-emotional needs.

which leads to...a supportive and equitable environment for all student-staff and student-student relationships as well as an increase in students' voice,

Resources Needed

(Notes from CIWP development phase to inform budget, talent, and schedules)

Funds from 115 and 332 will be used to cover substitute coverage for teacher training and professional development. Supplies and materials will be purchased for student incentives and resources for staff such as books for professional reads and studies. Additional programs and materials will be purchased such as PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies)as well as buckets created for Afterschool programs (Female and Male Mentoring).

Funding source

Select all funding sources you plan to use to support the strategy (select "no cost" if the strategy has no budget impact).

Budget category(ies)

Select all the budget categories you plan to fund to support the strategy (Schools should limit the budget categories selected to ONLY those directly impacting the strategy)

Achieving the strategy

Add additional context explaining how spending in this category supports your associated CIWP goals targeted by each theory of action.

Providing the same amount of resourcces to students and schools with different lived experiences, assets, and challenges will maintain the status quo of unequal achievement. Please reference the draft CPS Equity Framework as you connect your strategies with the opportunity gaps at your school. How does the spend in the above categories help achieve the strategy outcome and what specific opportunity gap that will be addressed?

Example: Adding an additional math teacher will support the implementation of smaller classes in 3rd-5th grades.

Supplies and materials will be purchased to increase and enhance current SEL practices. (Nearpod) We will continue to use the resources from PATHS, Second Step, H.E.A.R.T. program,and possibly Calm Classroom. Additional purchases for incentives to increase students' SEL behavior via reward.

Theory of action

If we do...Decrease whole group instruction and replace it with an increase of data-informed instruction which would include the use of technology, project-based learning, and opportunities for collaborative discourse,

then we see...students engaged in rigorous tasks and activities, students collaborating and demonstrating agency, teachers as the facilitators, and students debating and defending their learning amongst each other.

which leads to...an increase in 3rd-8th math and reading assessment data, as well as an increase in attainment for reading and math in grades 2-8, using and an increase of students at and above benchmark by70% for students in grades K-2 using DIBELS/TRC and PreK (TS Gold Strategies).

Resources Needed

(Notes from CIWP development phase to inform budget, talent, and schedules)

Funds from 115 and 332 will be used to provide substitute coverage for teachers attending professional development, buckets for extended day instructional planning, technology purchases for increase students learning engagement, buckets for after school and Saturday school for extended learning, resources and purchases for online learning to support differentiated instruction.

Funding source

Select all funding sources you plan to use to support the strategy (select "no cost" if the strategy has no budget impact).

Budget category(ies)

Select all the budget categories you plan to fund to support the strategy (Schools should limit the budget categories selected to ONLY those directly impacting the strategy)

Achieving the strategy

Add additional context explaining how spending in this category supports your associated CIWP goals targeted by each theory of action.

Providing the same amount of resourcces to students and schools with different lived experiences, assets, and challenges will maintain the status quo of unequal achievement. Please reference the draft CPS Equity Framework as you connect your strategies with the opportunity gaps at your school. How does the spend in the above categories help achieve the strategy outcome and what specific opportunity gap that will be addressed?

Example: Adding an additional math teacher will support the implementation of smaller classes in 3rd-5th grades.

Provide PD for the new district adoption & implementation of i-Ready for all K-2 students in Reading & Math, new PD for new math curriculum for K-5 math, Second Step & Calm Classroom for MTSS as well as differentiated instruction to meet the targeted needs of all students.


FY21 Approval Form: Signed 2020-2022 CIWP/Budget Approval Forms FY21 should be uploaded by the budget approval deadline.

File: Owen SY2020-2021 CIWP and Budget Approval Form - Signed.pdf
Uploaded on: Aug 6, 2020

FY22 Approval Form: Signed 2021-2023 CIWP/Budget Approval Forms FY22 should be uploaded by the budget approval deadline.

File: Owen - SY22 CIWP and Budget Form (1).pdf
Uploaded on: Jun 22, 2021